Treatments & Techniques

Therapeutic Massage

Acute and chronic pain management. Injury and post-injury treatment plan. Mobility improvement.

Sport Massage

Pre-, during-, and post-game treatment. Sport related injury prevention. Recovery enhancement.

Deep Tissue Massage

Connective tissue health improvement. Inflammation decrease. Range of motion increase.

Trigger Point Therapy

Treatment of referral and radiating pain. Tension headache treatment and prevention. Mobility and posture control improvement.


Search for causes, measures, orthopedic testing, postural impairments, occupational shortcomings. Referring out to other specialists if needed.

Remedial Exercises

Building and improving strength, stamina, and flexibility. Injury prevention.

Spiral Stabilization of Spine

Scientific-base exercise program aiming for spine impairment (scoliosis, disc herniation, neck humps, slouching aka hyperkyphotic)

Meet the Therapist

Petr Jakl


Petr earned his master's degree in Sports Science and Physical Education in Czech Republic. In 2016, Petr completed the Massage Therapy Program with honors at Georgian College, in Barrie. He has been registered with the CMTO and became Registered Massage Therapist in 2017. Prior to that, due to his European background Petr has treated all level athletes including national team members, professional athletes, Olympians and Paralympians.Since 2020 Petr is also registered with Fédération québécoise des massothérapeute québécoise.


Lifeski Massage Clinic

217-A Old Chelsea Rd, Old Chelsea, QC, J9B1J1

   Booking by Phone

Petr Jakl
(249) 385-5727